Nchildren's book of mormon videos korihort

New book of mormon videos series trailer, schedule. Book of mormon video series release dates announced watch the. King benjamins people feel the spirit of the lord and covenant with god to take upon them the name of christ and keep his commandments. Church leaders, cast and crew express excitement for upcoming. Theyre called the children of christ because theyve been born of god. Tell the children that the book of mormon has several stories about men who showed love for their parents by being obedient and helpful. If definitive answers could be found, it would shed light on how plural marriage was introduced to mormons by joseph smith in illinois. Church releases first episode in book of mormon videos series. The first video segment introduces students to the care of an olive vineyard. The book of mormon videos youtube channel is a collection of videos based on accounts from the book of mormon. With weekly videos and downloadable pdfs, drawn in is the great equalizer that engages kids from 3 to 18 years old and parents, helping your family to apply the principles of this great book. Season 1 recounts lehis journey to the promised land with his family, in addition to all the material through the book of enos.

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